Teacher Training Session - 2024

Exciting Days of Growth and Learning!

Our dedicated teachers from Podar International School Shimoga Vidyanagara and Gopala Gowda Extension had an inspiring training session led by the incredible and talented Mr. Sukesha Serigara, Principal of Podar International School Vidyanagar Shimoga, on the topic "Symphony of Learning & Harmony in the Classroom."

In the training session, Sir shared valuable insights on:

  • Integrating Diverse Teaching Methods
  • Creating an Inclusive Environment
  • Enhancing Student-Teacher Relationships
  • Utilizing Technology

The day was filled with enriching activities, insightful discussions, and strategies to create a harmonious learning environment. Together, we're committed to making our classrooms a symphony of joy and knowledge!

Parivarthan Drive 'Theme - Significant People' - 2024

'Parivartan Drive' led by the students of our school to raise community awareness on the theme 'Be the Change to Bring The Change' was commendable. By focusing on promoting self-love, kindness, acceptance, and seeking support, they were advocating for crucial values that contributed to a healthier and more compassionate society.

The students' diverse activities, including creating posters, placards, poems, quotes, slogans, and enacting a street play, demonstrated their creative and proactive approach to spreading their message. Additionally, conducting opinion polls added an interactive element to engage the community in meaningful dialogue.

The presence of esteemed guests, including Mr. R.K Sinha, Mr. Balachandra Naidu, Mr. Mohammed Moyiddin, Principal Mr. Sukesha Serigara, and Ms. Deepa, PJK, HeadMistress, highlighted the significance of the initiative. Their participation not only showed support for the students' efforts but also reinforced the importance of promoting positive values in society.

The orientation provided by the Chief Guest on the topics of the drive further enriched the students' understanding and commitment to building a healthy society. Moreover, Principal Mr. Sukesha's interaction with the students underscored the importance of instilling life values to foster peace in the world.

Overall, 'Parivartan Drive' served as a shining example of youth empowerment and collective action towards creating positive change in the community. Kudos to the students and everyone involved for their dedication and impact!

Jumpstart Activity 'Young Entrepreneurs - Discovering the Businessman in You' - 2023
The focus of the theme ‘Young Entrepreneurs – Discovering the Businessman in You’ is to encourage the students to become more business minded while understanding how the business process works. To start with the theme, different activities were conducted for different classes. For 1 to 4 students, they are allowed to pick any one business mentioned on the poster and sign their name against it or make a tick mark in the relevant column. From Grade 5 to 8, a plain/coloured chart paper with the title – ‘One Interesting Thing!’ was placed right above or below the table where it was easily accessible to the students. The students can think of and note down any one interesting/original use for that product . Creative Podarites had fun with intelligence.
Teacher' Workshop - 2023

Topic: New Developments in Classroom Transactions (Pedagogy) and the Importance of Social Constructivist Approach

The session was enhanced by invocation song, lighting the lamp and introduction of the resource person Dr. Hariprasad, Senior Lecturer, DIET, Shivamogga.

Dr. Hariprasad G.V emphasized the significance of the social constructivist approach in education. He explained how this approach encourages collaborative learning, critical thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge construction through interactions with peers and teachers. The session included examples of social constructivist activities and practical tips for implementing this approach in the classroom.

The Competency Development Programme 2023-24 provided valuable insights into new developments in classroom transactions and the importance of the social constructivist approach. The sessions conducted by Dr. Hariprasad G.V were informative, interactive, and well-received by the participants. The program concluded with a Question and answer ;A session, where teachers had the opportunity to clarify their doubts and seek further guidance. The Principal, Mr. Sukesha Serigara, expressed his gratitude to Dr. Hariprasad G.V for his expertise and thanked all the participants for their active participation. He emphasized the school and commitment to continuous professional development and its efforts to enhance teaching practices for the benefit of the students.

The Competency Development Programme 2023-24 was a successful event, providing a platform for teachers to learn, grow, and adopt innovative pedagogical practices in their classrooms.

Field Trip 'Theme - Tech It Up' - 2023
Field trips always involve a lot of practical and meaningful learning experiences for the students. Students were enthusiastic to visit Tech park, Machenahalli, Shivamogga. Today students were eager to experience a variety of experiences in the real world. Students participated and contended with the knowledge gained by multisensory learning process.. Podarites were given a chance to think about the topic or theme from different perspectives.
Culminating Event 'Tech It up - A World of Gizmos and Gadgets' - 2023
Today the school wide theme 'tech-it-up' culminated with an event 'TECH-O-MANIA' by our school students with the help of school staff within the school premises. This event showcased the changes in technology in today's time. Students described how technology has moved into our daily lives and homes. Students explained how technology has changed our lives by explaining about Over The Top(OTT), Artificial Intelligence, Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, 3D Printer, CyberCrime, Google Pay, Phone Pay, etc, Students prepared attractive and colourful charts with all informations on the evolution of technology They were dressed-up as Robots and Sang the song on Technology. Creatively students exhibited different topics which attracted the audience. Their awesome performance mesmerized the visitors.
Tech It Up Experience: Expert Talk - 2023
Mr. Koushik R Udupa, Co-Founder and CTO, Ekathva Innovations Pvt Ltd, awarded with JNNCE Young Innovator and Entrepreneur Award by the college on 2019 Graduation Day was the expert to talk about technology. He oriented the students about the development in the field of technology. He explained about the advantages and innovations in the field of technology.
Bagless Day Activity - 2023
As a part of Bagless day, learning through Handson activity, students learned many new things, like creative art work, and playing indoor games. Etc.. Students enjoyed and learned by doing.
House Competition 'Tech Revolution 2050' - 2023
The house competition allowed students to practice secondary data collection for the purpose of making a magazine or a journal. The students of each house collected material on new research, tech trends and upcoming technology, innovation news, predictions, recent science breakthroughs and near future outlooks, and created a magazine on innovative technological ideas for the future. Aqua, Terra, Ventus and Ignis houses created different magazines. On the basis creativity results were declared in the assembly with points. "Podarites Create with the heart; build with the mind.”
Environment Day Winners Felicitation - 2023
"Winning is something that builds physically and mentally every day that we train and that we dream." Felicitated the winners of 'Elocution' on the topic 'Our Environment' conducted as a part of Environment Day.
School Club Activity - 2023
Within School Club Activity students Grade-1 painting on the topic Nature. Students enjoyed the activity on their Bagless day.
Math Activity - 2023
Grade 5 students learned more about large numbers by hands-on activity.
Science Activity - 2023
As a part of the lesson 'Nutrition in animals' in science students prepared different models using clay. Students understood the lesson and prepared models of the digestive system in human beings, types of teeth, structure of teeth, amoeba etc., . Teachers taught the students lessons and motivated them to learn more by hands-on activity.
Boys Welfare Committee - 2023
As a part of committee activities Mr. Syed and Mr. Girish oriented students about adolescence.
Doctor's Advice - 2023
As a part of 'Girls Welfare Committee' activity doctor visited to school to sensitize students about adolescence. Dr. Shonali Manjunath Phasalkar oriented students about 'Adolescent Health and Challenges'. Doctor made students cleared the doubts.
International Yoga Day Celebration - 2023

Theme: Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' or 'Yoga for the Welfare of All as One World-One Family.'

Our school beloved Principal Sri Sukesha Serigara thrown light upon the significance of the day.
The school staff and all the students immersed in different yoga asanas. They all experience more centeredness and distress.

The powerful mindful practice made them to relax and happy. Podarites tuned everyday to make healthier life choices.

Investiture Ceremony 2023-2024

To lead people, walk beside them. As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence … When the best leader’s work is done, the people say, ‘We did it ourselves!’ – Lao Tsu, Chinese philosopher.

The investiture ceremony held on 16 June, 2023, at the Kuvempu Rangamandira was a grand event attended by esteemed guests, students, teachers, PTA members, parents, coordinators, and year leaders. The ceremony commenced at 9:30 am and concluded at 1:00 pm. The event was organized to bestow the responsibilities and positions of leadership upon deserving students, and it served as an occasion to recognize their capabilities and potential.

The Chief Guest for the ceremony was Mr. R Premkumar, a renowned personality in the field of education, Principal of Jawahar Navodaya School, Chikmagalur. His presence added a sense of honor and motivation to the occasion. Mr. Premkumar shared his valuable insights and encouraged the newly appointed leaders to strive for excellence and lead by example. His inspiring speech resonated with the audience and set a positive tone for the rest of the ceremony.

In addition to the Chief Guest, the ceremony also had two esteemed Guests of Honour. Mr. Sreekanth Kamath, Land Owner and Well wisher of our School, and Ms. Deepa, Head Mistress of Podar Jumbo Kids Prep, graced the event with their presence. Both guests emphasized the importance of leadership skills and emphasized the role of responsibility and dedication in shaping the future.

The Investiture Ceremony was presided over by the school Principal, Mr. Sukesha Sehrigara, and the Vice Principal, Ms. Netra. They congratulated the newly appointed leaders and expressed their confidence in their abilities to contribute positively to the school's growth. They urged the leaders to uphold the school's values and act as role models for their peers.

The ceremony included various segments, such as the oath-taking ceremony, where the elected leaders pledged to fulfill their duties with sincerity and integrity. Badges of authority were presented to the leaders, symbolizing their roles and responsibilities.

Cultural programmes were also performed along with precise formal programmes.

The High School students, teachers, PTA members, parents, coordinators, and year leaders were actively present and witnessed the investiture ceremony. The audience's enthusiasm and support added to the overall ambience of the event.

The investiture ceremony was a significant milestone for the school as it marked the beginning of a new academic year and set the stage for the students' leadership journey. It provided an opportunity for the leaders to demonstrate their potential and commitment to serve the school community. The event concluded on a positive note, leaving the attendees inspired and motivated to contribute their best to the school's development.

Overall, the investiture ceremony with Chief Guest Mr. R Premkumar, Guests of Honour Mr. Sreekanth Kamath and Ms. Deepa, along with the presence of the school Principal, Vice Principal, and other dignitaries, was a memorable and successful event. It instilled a sense of pride and responsibility in the newly appointed leaders and motivated the entire school community to work towards a brighter future.

Formation of 'Parent Teacher Association' 2023-2024

PTA is formed to Promote cooperative partnerships between the school and parents. Engage them in different activities to provide facilities and equipment that support the school.

Interested parents were invited to fill google form to contest in the election for the position of PTA Member from each division. Through lucky dip, in front of all the contestants PTA Members were selected. Through them office bearers were selected. PTA was formed.

First PTA meeting was conducted to discuss about upcoming events, school plan in presence of beloved principal Mr. Sukesha Serigara and Vice Principal Ms. Netra. H.

The meeting was well organized with invocation and welcomed all the members with all pleasure.

Podarites set goals and form a plan of action, to make success more clear with its team.

Student Council Election 2023-2024

Students' Council Election 2023-24, Podar International School, #Shivamogga.

Reflecting on an Incredible School Council Election Journey”!

It's that time of the year again when we have the power to make a difference and shape the future of our school! We want to take a moment to celebrate and reflect on the remarkable School Council Election journey for the AY 2023 -24 that we have just completed! The level of engagement, enthusiasm, and dedication shown by our student body has been truly awe-inspiring. Together, we have made this election a memorable experience!

The election process was a testament to our school's democratic values and the importance we place on student participation. It all began with the nomination phase, where students had the opportunity to put themselves forward as candidates or nominate their peers. The courage and willingness displayed during this phase set the stage for an exciting election. Ninety-four candidates nominated themselves for 11 different posts.

Following the nominations, the campaign period was a flurry of vibrant activities. Candidates showcased their leadership qualities, communicated their platforms, and engaged in conversations with their fellow students. They presented their ideas, shared their visions for our school, and emphasized their commitment to serving the student body. The energy and enthusiasm displayed by all the candidates were truly remarkable!

On 09 June 2023, the day of the election, the school buzzed with anticipation and excitement. All the candidates stood in front of the school assembly seeking the support of their peers and teachers and wished all the success in the election that they are contesting.

Principal Mr. Sukesha Serigara inaugurated the election process by handing over the ballot papers to Mr. Shivakumar, AO of the school in the presence of the vice principal, electoral officer, coordinators, year leaders, teachers and students. With great enthusiasm and responsibility, Students cast their votes, carefully considering the candidates' platforms and potential to positively impact our school community. Each vote represented a powerful voice, contributing to the collective decision-making process. It was a proud moment to witness our student body's active participation in shaping our school's future.

The voting process was conducted online through google forms for a smooth and hassle-free election. Voting booths were set up, to ensure the privacy and integrity of the voting process, equipped with the required number of computers and gadgets for a fair election. After a half-day long tension-filled and smooth electoral process the results were announced post lunch. The newly elected members of the School Council were announced, acknowledging their successful campaign efforts and the support they gathered from their peers.

Now, we want to express our sincere gratitude to each and every student who participated in the School Council Election. Whether you were a candidate, a voter, or an enthusiastic supporter, your involvement made a difference. Your commitment to student leadership, engagement, and civic responsibility has truly been remarkable!

We would also like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to the newly elected School Council members! Your passion, dedication, and ideas resonated with your peers, earning you their trust and support. We are confident that you will serve as exceptional representatives, advocating for student interests and driving positive change within our school community. Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement!

Moving forward, we encourage all students to continue engaging with the School Council and actively participating in the initiatives they undertake. Your feedback, ideas, and support are invaluable in shaping the ongoing progress of our school. Together, we can continue to make our school an inclusive, supportive, and thriving environment!

Stay tuned for updates on the School Council's upcoming projects, events, and opportunities to collaborate. Let's work together to ensure that our school remains a place where every student's voice is heard and where we collectively strive for excellence!

World Environment Day 'Day 3' - 2023
'World Environment Day's Day-3 As a part of Environment day 'Collage Making activity' on the topic 'Our Environment' for grade-7 in our school. The details of activity was shared last week, students utilised the time to collect needed materials and brought to the class today. Students were divided into different groups and allotted time in the school to complete the Activity. Students showed their creativity and enthusiasm in their work. College making activity build fine motor skills, encouraged children about colour and texture awareness. Students learned about craft work, decoration and had fun throughout the activity. The creative activity done for Podarites gives students the freedom to explore and learn new things from each other.
World Environment Day Activities - 2023
As a part of 'World Environment Day' the school planned different activities for students. For Grade-1 students creative art work was the activity conducted as a part of World Environment Day. Creativity is necessary for students as fresh air and sunshine. As children were exposed to creative art activity, the experience gave them the gift of a rich and memorable childhood. When students were allowed to draw with crayons on blank paper, they explored the originality of nature on the paper. The joyful activity made them think beyond the schoolyard. Grade-6 students were allowed to enunciate on the environment in the classroom. Students delivered their thoughts effectively and persuaded their friends in the class. on different aspects of the environment. This activity helped students to transform their inner self and improved communication skills increasing their confidence. Exposure to the world of creativity for Podarites transforms them from hardships to opportunities.
World Environment Day - 2023
World Environment Day' was celebrated in our school. The programme started with planting a sapling in school premises by chief guest Dr. Lakshmi Narayan, Principal Sri Sukesha Serigara and Vice Principal Ms.Netra. The stage programme was enhanced by the blessings of God. Welcome and introduction of the chief guest was done by students. The Chief Guest Dr. Lakshmi Narayan, consultant, Horticulture Department, orientated students about the effect of deforestation on Shimoga District with real life examples. Encouraged students to plant a sapling and to care at least once in a week by watering. The cultural programme immersed students in saving the environment and created awareness of the effects of one time plastic through skit. The speech by Ms. Shrilakshmi of Grade-9 motivated students to contribute to save the environment. The programme was successful with the theme of the year 'Solution to Plastic' Learning with activities at Podar is different from others.
Jumpstart Event 'Match the Gadgets' - 2023
'Jump Start Event' for grade 2 to 4 was conducted in our school. The activity 'Match the Gadgets' was an interesting activity for students to immerse in the new integrated English theme. Gadget images were pasted on the board and their names were shuffled in the bowl. Students picked the name and matched with the gadgets. Students enjoyed the activity.
Parents Orientation Programme for Grade 2 to 4 2023-2024
'Parents Orientation Programme' for freshers from Grade 2 to 4 was conducted in our school. In this programme, Vice Principal Ms. Nethra oriented parents about school facilities, curriculum, and different activities. Co-Ordinator Ms. Uma guided parents about the details of uniform and queries were resolved. Parents were happy about the school norms and safety measures followed.
Parents Orientation Programme 2023-2024
'Parents Orientation Programme' for the freshers of the Academic year 2023-24 was conducted successfully. In this, beloved Principal Mr. Sukesha Serigara oriented parents about the success steps of the school to stand first in the town. Vice principal Mrs. Netra explained the steps of growth of Podar Education Network in India. Co-ordinators and year leaders oriented parents about the process and functioning of the school. Orientation on school uniform, Curriculum, subjects taught etc was explained. Throughout the session the parents' identified the uniqueness of Podar among all schools. Teachers introduced themselves with subjects and qualifications. Questionnaire time cleared parents' doubts. The programme was successful and all the parents were happy about school for the overall development of their children.
Jumpstart Event 'Tech It Up' - 2023
The new theme 'Tech It Up' within the subject Integrated English was launched by Jump Start Activity in our school. This activity immersed the students in the theme without telling directly what it is all about. The new theme focuses on making the students more aware of the technology we use everyday and encouraging them to appreciate how it influences our lives. Quiz was conducted as a. Part of the jump Start event and students actively participated. The Robotic dance by Master Aryan Sachin and team attracted the audience. Students wrote their exciting answers on a soft board on the topic 'if I had a robot'.
Inaugural Assembly for the Academic Year 2023-24
'Well begun is half done." The first assembly for the academy year 2023–24 conducted in the school made students be resolute for the amazing things to do ahead. Our school's beloved principal, Mr.Sukesha Serigara, trained students to be punctual in all academic processes. New teaching faculties were introduced to the students by vice Principal Ms. Netra. The leadership team and their nature of work were introduced in the assembly. Students were guided to set goals for the academic year to develop the greatest abilities in education to fulfil their dreams and also to benefit everyone. To become a greater strength for our nation.
Teacher's training - 2023

Training for Teachers on the module 'Implementing and Delivery Outstanding Lessons' was conducted for Podar International School, #Shivamogga.

On the 22nd and 23rd of May 2023, a workshop on ‘Implementing and Delivering Outstanding Lessons’ was organized in our school to upskill and upgrade teachers with the techniques and tools to change their classes from a fair classroom to an outstanding one. It was presented by Mr Sukesh Serigara, Principal, PIS Shivamogga.

The workshop started with an ice-breaker activity which immediately made everyone feel comfortable and got them acquainted with the course content. The trainer emphasized the importance of understanding the objective of observation forms for teachers and how to use these to modify their lessons to address areas of improvement, such as incorporating more interactive activities or providing more opportunities for student engagement, thus leading to student-centric learning. The trainer emphasized that outstanding teaching involves creating a positive learning environment, engaging students in meaningful activities and providing timely feedback.

The session ended with a thank you note to the organizers for allowing teachers to learn about the principles of lesson planning to meet the requirements of observation forms. It gave a platform to all the teachers to share their ideas and develop goals for the Academic Year 2023-2024.

Parents Orientation Programme for Grade 1 2023-2024
Grade-1, 'Parents Orientation Programme' was conducted in our school. Parents of young students came out from their emotional experiences about sending their kids for the first time to school after attending an orientation programme. Plans and facilities of the school were explained by our school Principal Sri.Sukesha Serigara. Vice Principal Ms. Netra oriented parents regarding school establishment, safety, curriculum etc. Ms Uma cleared all the queries of parent's which made them feel happy and proud about the school. Cordially welcomed all the parents to be a part of Podar Family.
Welcome meeting for teachers - 2023
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out." — Robert Collier. Reopening day for the academic year 2023-24 for the teachers in our school. On this day, beloved Principal Sri Sukesha Serigara orientated all the teachers about the plans for the academic year. Sir Congratulated all the teachers for the 100% result of grade 10 CBSE and set the goals for the next result. Introduced newly joined teachers to the family. In the meeting, time and date for the virtual and physical 'Parents Orientation Programme' were discussed and decided. Ms. Bhagyalakshmi, computer faculty, oriented all the teachers about Loop Learning digital platform. Vice principal Mrs. Netra.H wished the whole family for the success of the academic year.
Mothers Day Celebration - 2023
A mother is a supreme creation of God and has godliness showing unconditional love with a shielding arm, whom we can blindly trust on this earth. Mother is everyone’s best friend because she takes care of everything we need. She cares us so much, she becomes happy when we laugh and she becomes sad when we weep.She is only one in this world who never leaves us alone 'Mother’s Day' is the happiest and highly memorable day of the year for all of us. We should make her happy on this occasion. Let's all admire, love and appreciate her, Thank her for. all her sacrifices were made for us.
Ambedkar Jayanti - 2023
"Ambedkar Jayanthi" is celebrated in our school. It is the birth anniversary of Bhimrao Ambedkar, or BR Ambedkar, who is known as the "Father of the Indian Constitution." Vice Principal Ms. Netra.H addressed the gathering about the significance of the day by saying about his big dream and thought in the direction to reform the existing system. Equality for all including women and downtrodden were the priorities of his struggle, he said, the people should be indebted to him for all his reforms and his contributions towards nation building. His traits should inspire us to overcome the challenges what we face today Mr. Girish, the secretary to Principal and Assistant Accountant Ms. Prananmya also addressed the gathering about the significance of the day.
Workshop for Teachers - 2023

Workshop for teachers on the topic 'Competency Development Programme' in our school.

The workshop started with a prayer by Master Vihaan. Our beloved school principal, Mr. Sukesha Serigara, addressed the gathering, saying that the role of teachers is important for changing the world. and also highlighted as an asset to the world.

The resource person, Dr. Vivekananda.J.Dean training department at the Academy of Creative Teaching' Bangalore, trained the teachers on the following topics.

1. Happy classroom (morning)
2. Power of Questioning Skills (afternoon)

He also oriented on the qualities of a good teacher (knowledge, skill, attitude), the way to make students happy in the school, the survey report on school success, the definition of learning, the components of the creative teaching model, sensory components, emotional components, intellectual components, and spiritual components, with appropriate examples and experiments connecting to the topics.

In the afternoon session, on "questioning," more information were given. The activity made the teachers to understand the open-ended and closed-ended questions. even learned the differences and framing of higher-order thinking and lower-order thinking skill questions.

Overall, the training was very interesting, energy-boosting, and refreshing.

The great support of Ms. Nethra, vice principal of the school, played a major role for the success of the programme.

Young Explorer Inauguration - 2023
The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.” Albert Einstein "YOUNG EXOLORER," the mega creative and innovative event, was inaugurated in our school. The inauguration was done by all the national-level participants of the National Children's Science Congress, which was a proud moment for all of us. Different innovative science experiments were done during the inauguration. The chief guest, Mr. Samson P. Roy, wished the best wishes for all the young scientists. Mr. Sukesha Serigara, principal of the school, said that every simple question from the child will create interest in exploring new things. encouraged students to be inventors. Ms. Nethra, the vice principal, and the year leaders worked hard off screen for the success of the programme.
Soft Board Decoration for Young Explorers - 2023
Soft Board Decoration for Young Explorers in our school The soft boards were used in a great way to display learning objectives, science goals, facts about scientists, conversation starters, fun or interesting facts, and more!
Young Explorer 'Grade 1-5' - 2023
A "YOUNG EXPLORER' science exhibition for grades 1–5 was conducted in our school. The school provided students with a platform where they showcased different scientific concepts understood through their projects and models. It also helped students to build the confidence to explain the theory independently. Judges had fun with students by patiently listening to them. Students enjoyed the event, and their creativity was appreciated by all the parents.
Young Explorer 'Grade 6-8' - 2023
'YOUNG EXPLORER," the science exhibition competition conducted in our school. It provided the platform for the students to use their scientific knowledge and make the best inventions from their brains. Group presentations forced students to work together and learn from each other. They shared their ideas and, collectively, galvanised those ideas to bring something innovative into implementation. External judges spent their time with students, given the marks on their presentations. The most anticipated opportunity made students enthusiastic and active in the event.
Young Explorers Winners Felicitation - 2023
The competition was conducted on school premises on 8.1.23. Students presented creative and innovative projects in science. Parents were the judges for the competition; they spent quality time with students' projects. On their judgments, the medals and certificates were distributed for best, first, second, and third places.
National Science Day Celebration - 2023
National Science Day was celebrated at in our school to raise awareness about the importance of science. The celebration was inaugurated by offering flowers to the image of 'C.V.Raman'. The school has organised a "Science in Miracles" programme conducted by Mr. M.V.S. Swamy, Head Master, SBMMR High School, Hiriyuru. In this programme, many activities were conducted using fire, camphor, potassium permanganate, glycerine, etc., and the chemistry involved was described. Through this, students were made aware that all things and acts in the world involve science. Encouraged students to find science everywhere. Students enjoyed the informative programme.
Second 'Mock Fire Drill' - 2023
Second 'Mock Fire Drill' demonstration was conducted in our school to create awareness about the fire accidents.
Connect Circle - 2023
Connect Circle' a support activity was conducted for all the teachers in our school. It's a kind of activity where a safe space was provided for all the teachers to introspect, reflect and vent out their feelings. All teachers described themselves and had fun.
Human Rights Issues - 2022
Grade-7 students of our school learned about Human Rights violations in Integrated English period. Students planned to create awareness about Human Rights issues by creating thought provoking messages and effective solutions on the worksheet Talking Head.
Environmental Rights - 2022
Grade 5 and 6 students of our school became aware about environmental disasters in Integrated English period. In this session, students understood the ways to protect and preserve the environment. Students watched a wonderful video 'The Man' and learned about 'Environmental Rights' and their roles towards the betterment of the environment. Students enjoyed the learning process.
School Election 2022-23
'Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality' School Students Council Election was conducted in our school. Elections are the opportunity to educate the students about the importance of voting. Approved candidates were allowed to campaign with symbols. Students were educated about voting. On election day the room to conduct the election was set up with a ballot box, ballet papers, pens, and a voters list. Students were allowed to vote. On counting day votes were counted and winners were announced.
Change Makers Session 1 'What is Human Rights?' - 2022
Students of our school are learning within the new theme 'Change Makers Human Rights' in Integrated English. Grade 7 and 8 students learned about Human Rights. In this session the student understood that the ‘Human Rights’ system is a powerful force for bringing about good in the world and everyone has the right to live and grow with dignity.
Session 1 'Just Injust' Grade 5 & 6 - 2022
Grade 5 & 6 students of ourschool learned about "Justice and injustice' with in the theme 'Change Makers Human Rights' in Integrated English. Students learned about the difference between justice and injustice, kinds of injustice taking place in society and some human rights.
International Yoga Day - 2022
'Yoga adds years to your life, and life to your years'. International Yoga Day was observed in our school. Mr. Akash, the gold medalist in yoga demonstrated different asanas to all the students. Students realized that yoga brings the mind into a higher state of vibration.
Jumpstart Event - 2022
Jump start event was conducted for the students of our school. Students expressed their responsibility to make changes in the different areas of the world on the decorated soft boards. Students discussed in their groups and good changes that can be made written on the boards and enjoyed the activity.
World Environment Day 3 - 2022
Students of our school visited the nearby forest to sow the seeds. Students enjoyed the activity, it provided them hand in active learning experience to connect with the environment.
World Environment Day 2 - 2022
As a part of 'World Environment Day' the school has organized forest visit programme in association with forest Department. Students of our school participated in seed sowing campaign conducted in Lakkinakoppa forest. This act helped in spreading environment awareness among the minds and helps in sensitising the children on saving planet earth.
World Environment Day Celebration - 2022
Students of our school observed World Environment Day. Students were made aware about the importance of plants and animals. Students prepared hanging gardens and card board bird feeders. Students enjoyed birds eating grains from a bird feeder which they prepared and hung them on the tree in our school garden.
Science Experiential Learning - 2022
Students of our school prepared temporary slide of onion peels to observe the cells present in them using microscope. Students enjoyed Science experiential learning.
Parents Orientation Program of Grade 5 2022-2023
Parents Orientation Programme for Grade 5 new parents was conducted in our school. Parents were oriented about the school's success and unique features.
Math Experiential Learning - 2022
Grade 9 students of our school learned about irrational numbers in their mathematics class by a simple method using spiral wheel under learning and doing.
Parents Orientation Programme for Grade 1 to 4 - 2022
Parents orientation Programme was conducted for Grade 1 to 4 new Parents. Parents were oriented about the school's unique functioning.
Career Guidance Session - 2022
Our school has arranged career guidance and tips for competitive exam session in collaboration with Allen career institute for all the students. Students learned many things from the session.
Parents Orientation Programme for Grade 8 to 10 - 2022
Parents Orientation Programme was conducted for the new parents of grade 6 to 10 of our school. Respectful Vice Principal Ms. Nethra orientated the parents about the school and it's unique features. Mr. Sukesha Serigara, beloved Principal of our school spoke about the achievements and success steps of the school from the inception.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Podar Education Network, as the pioneer in the field of education, offers the best CBSE board school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar, that instructs its students in the English language. Being the most advanced schools in Shivamogga Vidyanagar, we not only tend to academic excellence but the holistic development of your child. Thus, Podar CBSE School in Shivamogga Vidyanagar is considered one of the best English medium schools in Shivamogga Vidyanagar, Maharashtra.

Podar CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar is considered one of the best schools in the region for students pursuing globally-acclaimed education in 11th and 12th classes. It offers an end-to-end schooling system enhanced with a globalized curriculum, sports and extracurricular development, and step-by-step guidance to enable students to pave their paths to a bright and successful future.

The detailed fee structure for Podar CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar is available on our website.

As one of the best CBSE schools in Shivamogga Vidyanagar, our infrastructure has been designed to incorporate the principles of ergonomics at all levels. With spacious and comfortable classrooms, innovative well-equipped labs, a full-equipped medical center, state-of-the-art libraries, expansive playgrounds and extra-curricular activity rooms, Podar CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar offers some of the best modern facilities at the disposal of students.

Here is a list of the documents you will require for admission to the Podar CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar:
  • Student’s Birth Certificate.
  • Student’s Aadhaar Card.
  • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
  • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
  • Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
  • Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
  • Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
  • Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
  • Passport size photograph of the student.
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
Head over to our Admissions page on our Podar Shivamogga Vidyanagar CBSE school website to have a detailed view of the online and offline admission process.

To know more about the transfer process and transfer certificates for our best CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar, you can visit our Podar International School website.

Podar International CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar offers safe and secure transportation to and fro for their students. The entire school premises is fitted with CCTV cameras and trained attendants, so as to maximize the security of our students, who are regularly monitored, and safely picked up and dropped off by our bus transport facility.

The age limit for children seeking admission to Nursery in Podar CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar is set at 2 years, completed latest by 31st December 2023. The detailed eligibility criteria in terms of the age norms have been specified on the Podar CBSE board school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar Admission Page.

Podar International Schools across India are renowned not only for their excellent academic teaching but also for the holistic development of their students. Offering a vast range of traditional & new age sports and a variety of extracurricular activities for children to hone their skills, here are the extracurricular activities that our CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar offers its students:
  • Theatre
  • Indian and Western Dance
  • Classical and International Music
  • Public Speaking and Debating
  • Computer Animation

There are two easy ways you can seek admission for your child at Podar CBSE school in Shivamogga Vidyanagar - Online & Offline visit.
Online Admission Process:
  1. Complete the online application form.
  2. The following documents are to be uploaded while filling the online application form:
    • Student’s Birth Certificate.
    • Student’s Aadhaar Card.
    • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
    • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
    • Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
    • Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
    • Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Passport size photograph of the student.
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
  3. After submitting the online application form, if there are seats available in the standard that you have applied in, an email with a payment link for the first term fees will be sent to you. Parents are requested to make the necessary payment online.
Offline Admission Process:
  1. Complete the application form either online or collect the form from the school.
  2. Please submit the completed application form along with following documents at the School Office:
    • Photocopy of Student’s Birth Certificate.
    • Photocopy of Student’s Aadhaar Card.
    • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
    • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
    • Photocopy of Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
    • Photocopy of Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
    • Photocopy of Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Photocopy of Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
    • 3 Passport size photographs of the student.
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
  3. Please submit a Cheque with the first term fees to the School Office. All payments at the School are to be made by Cheque. Please mention the name of your ward, and contact number on the rear side of the Cheque. Fees once paid will be strictly non-refundable.

To learn more details about the admission process and confirmation, please visit the Admissions page on the Podar Shivamogga Vidyanagar CBSE School website.