Poem Recitation and Composition Competition - 2024

24 Aug 2024

Marathi Essay Writing and Poem Composition Competition 2024

With over 83 million speakers worldwide, Marathi is one of India's 22 official languages. It is renowned for its unique blend of Sanskrit, Prakrit, and other languages, and it has a long and rich history that dates back to the tenth century AD. The language has a rich and varied literary history that includes drama, poetry, prose, and other genres.

'Marathi Bhasha Gaurav Diwas' celebration @ PIS, Satara served as an opportunity for the students as well as teachers to acknowledge the beauty, complexity, and rich history of the Marathi language. They were encouraged to pen down their thoughts and express their ideas with the 'Marathi Essay Writing Competition' and 'Marathi Poetry Composition Competition'.

Inter Hub Self Composed Poem Recitation Competition 2024

"Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar." Composing poems and playing with the words is a creative art. Reciting a poem with impactful intonations is yet another challenging task as the words are empowered by pitch, tone and rhythm. 'Inter Hub Self - Composed Poem Recitation Competition' was organised by PIS, Ratnagiri wherein the students of PIS, Satara Mst. Atharv Rahurkar and Ms. Gargee Kulkarni came up with flying colours. Both of them secured the II position in group II and III respectively.