Ovi Pawar of Podar International School - Shirur secured the gold medal in the National Rifle Shooting Competition held in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Ovi Nilesh Pawar (Dist. Shirur) of the Maharashtra State team has won a gold medal in the ongoing School National Rifle Shooting Competition at Bhopal.
The National Rifle Shooting Competition was held in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, from 1st to 7th January 2025. A total of 1188 athletes from 33 states and Union Territories of India participated in this prestigious competition. Ovi Pawar of Podar International School - Shirur secured the gold medal for the Maharashtra State team in the 14-year-old 10m Piperite Air Rifle event.
Our Respected Principal, Mr. Neeraj Rai, congratulated her on this remarkable achievement and wished her the very best for her future endeavours.